AHF Findings: Alleviating Burnout & Other Top Healthcare Challenges

September 13, 2023

Orlando, a city famed for Disney World and the Kennedy Space Center, saw a different kind of attraction this August. Hundreds of Healthcare Foodservice professionals and vendors gathered in North Florida for the annual AHF conference. Less than a year into our launch, the AHF conference was an excellent opportunity for the Banquet Health team to connect face-to-face with hospital nutrition teams, engage with healthcare foodservice leaders and demonstrate how Banquet Health’s software directly addresses the challenges faced by diet offices. 

During the “Exclusive Insights from the C-Suite” panel discussion, the CEO of a mid-sized FL hospital succinctly outlinedhis three priorities as an executive for the fall of 2023:

  1. Improve patient satisfaction
  2. Combat employee burnout
  3. Survive this challenging financial environment

In crafting Banquet Health’s initial software release, we interviewed dozens of hospital executives and diet office leaders. The outcome is a solution that directly confronts these critical issues.

As highlighted in our previous update, Banquet Health’s software includes proprietary features designed to boost patient feedback scores. Patients can rate food quality, temperature,and service for each meal. They can also provide qualitative feedback via free form text. These scores can be entered directly by the patient or relayed to staff, who can seamlessly log this data in patient profiles. All this feedback is aggregated in real time and available for management as downloadable insights. Our pilot customers appreciate that Banquet Health’s software allows Directors to showcase to the C-Suite the tangible impact of specific initiatives on patient satisfaction.

In a study recently published in The Harvard Gazette, it was revealed that nearly 50% of hospital staff have experienced burnout, a problem exacerbated by nationwide staffing shortages. Banquet Health’s software alleviates some of the pain points linked to these shortages. In-app ordering streamlines meal requests for busy hospitals with understaffed diet offices. Daily analytics help identify and address staff and process inefficiencies. Most significantly, our highly intuitive software interface gives employees back precious time that would otherwise be spent in front of a screen. 

The current macro economic environment, marked by record-breaking inflation, has posed significant challenges for hospitals. To counter this, modern software systems must proactively identify areas for cost reduction. Banquet Health’s real-time feedback and analytics dashboard pinpoint unpopular meal offerings, while intuitive patient preference tracking reduces waste and costs tied to unwanted food and supplements. Additionally, improved patient feedback scores can lead to substantial increases in Medicare reimbursements.  

Although Banquet Health is in its early days, we take pride in offering software that directly addresses the pressing concerns of hospital executives. Is there more your food service software could do to help? We’d love to hear from you!