Driving Excellence through Patient Feedback

June 23, 2023

Improving the patient experience is a top priority for hospitals today, as highlighted in a recent Wall Street Journal article. Patient feedback, especially regarding food and service, significantly influences hospitals' post-discharge patient experience scores. However, accurately gauging patient sentiment, particularly in large hospitals, has been a daunting task for hospital food and nutritional administrators. Existing software solutions lack effective tools to aggregate patient feedback, leaving hospitals to manually tackle this challenge through limited ad-hoc surveys or time-consuming paper-based methods.

Banquet Health recognizes the need for a better, software-driven alternative. 

We are thrilled to provide a unique solution that elevates patient satisfaction scores while driving departmental efficiency. Our proprietary app empowers patients to effortlessly provide feedback from their beds after each meal. Even non-tech-savvy patients can rely on staff to record feedback on their behalf. Patient feedback scores are aggregated in real-time and presented to management in actionable formats. Notably, dietitians can identify patients who gave low scores, enabling proactive measures to improve their experience before discharge.

This positive impact is best summarized by a Director of Food and Nutrition at a large 500+ bed hospital, who excitedly commented during a demo:

Being able to screen for patients by feedback given would be game changing. It would allow for intervention before likely bad outcomes

Real-time patient feedback on foodservice is important not only in terms of patient care but also for hospital finances. Medicare reimbursements are increasingly tied to patient feedback scores, making it crucial for hospitals to systematically gauge how patients perceive the quality and service of the food they receive. With the ability to swiftly replace unpopular offerings based on real time feedback, hospitals can increase savings and reduce food waste. 

At Banquet Health, we are proud to offer a cutting-edge solution that addresses the pressing need for real-time patient feedback while helping hospitals thrive in a challenging financial environment. Our software enables hospitals to stay ahead of the curve, deliver exceptional foodservice experiences, and secure the financial incentives tied to patient feedback scores.

Patient care starts with being heard. Banquet Health’s modern software empowers hospitals to gather and leverage patient feedback, setting staff up for success in delivering exceptional care.